Soren Starter Deck (Alpha Print - Limited Quantity)

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The Soren Starter pilots the Holy Deck. Using Soren as your champion, the Holy Deck allows you to put together the dream hand. Holy's main strength is the ability to recycle cards, draw quickly, replenish imperium for big plays. While the Evil Deck is good at rallying a large field of soldiers, the Holy Deck gains its power from resourcefulness.
1st Ever Print (ALPHA)
Contains 41 Cards
1 Mastar Rare Soren Champion Foil (Extra Thick)
1 Legendary Rare Foil
Cassiel, Angel of Honor
1 Mythical Rare Foil
Jacob, Paladin of Light
3 Epic Rare Foils
Paavana, the Cherished Templar
Ryuusei, the Divine Griffin
Yamura, the Eternal Phoenix
9 Rares
Ancient Coin
Augustus, the Holy General
Body Obstruction
Candle of the Hopeless
Chains of Destruction
Leviathan's Hide
Prayer Beads
Pristine Coffin
26 Commons
Amulet of the Apostle
Blessed Cat
Cosmic Energy
Devout Monk
Flaming Sword
Forgotten Coin
Ghost Gun
Golden Coin
Holy Water
Law of Forbearance
Lightning Blast
Majestic Chimera
Mystical Tiger of Legend
Omaja, the Armored Ape
Rage of the True King
Ray of Heaven
René the Spirit Maiden
Ring of Atonement
Rope of Binding Hearts
Sacred Tortoise
Seven Trumpets
Spirit Wolf
War Horse
Weight stone